Sunday, February 13, 2011

Why Your DNA Isn't Your Destiny

Why Your DNA Isn't Your Destiny
I was recently working on revising the Test Bank and Instructor's Manual for a book on Human Evolution and I was fascinated with some recent discoveries. Though this project was very labor intense and exhausting, it was nice to read and revisit some of the concepts I teach in Physical Anthropology.
The topic of epigenetics really caught my attention. Epigenetics describe the way that genes are not necessarily determinants of our characteristics. These epigenes are software that turn on or off particular genes, so that even in cases where two individuals have identical DNA (like monozygotic twins) they will not have the same genetic expressions. This new discovery further discredits biological deterministic ideas (such as those claimed by some Evolutionary Psychologists) and once again supports the importance of the environment.
Read this article to find out more information on this.